Saturday, June 27, 2009


(Established by the State Legislature Act-XII of 1956)
(‘A’ Grade, NAAC Accredited)

Advt. No.4/2009

Applications for the following posts are invited on the prescribed form obtainable alongwith the prescribed qualifications and instructions, from the Manager, Printing & Publications, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra on payment of Rs.500/-(Rs.125/- for SC/ST/BC of Haryana) in cash at the counter or by post by sending Demand Draft of Rs.550/- (Rs.175/- for SC/ST/BC of Haryana) drawn in favour of Registrar, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra.

Sh. Gulzari Lal Nanda Centre of Ethics & Philosophy
Professor of Sanskrit-1 (Rs.16400-450-20900-500-22400)

Reader (Rs.12000-420-18300):

Fine Arts-1(Spn: Painting); Electronic Sc.-1;(Microelectronics/VLSI Design/Microprocessor/ MEMS/Electronic Communication); English-2 (Spn: British Literature-1); Library & Information Sc.-1; Physics-1(Spn: Experimental Nuclear Physics/Non-Linear Dynamics/Theoretical Nuclear Physics/Material Science), Microbiology-1. Tourism-1; (Desirable Spn: Teaching/Industry experience in Tourism Policy Planning & Management/Tourism Environment & Ecology); *Zoology-3(Spn: Animal Behaviour/Wildlife-1, Fish and Fisheries/Physiology-1, Cytogenetics/ Molecular Biology-1).

University College

University College of Education
Principal-1(Rs. 16400-450-20900-500-22400):

K.U. P.G. Regional Centre, Jind
Reader (Rs.12000-420-18300): *Management-1; Computer Science & Applications-1
(Temporary but likely to be permanent)

Jawahar Lal Nehru Library
*Deputy Librarian-2 (Rs.12000-420-18300):

Sports Department
Director (Physical Education & Sports) (Rs.12000-420-18300):- 1
Assistant Director Sports (Female) (Rs. 8000-275-13500):- 1

General Administration
Chief Security Officer (Pay Band of Rs.15600-39100+ 6000 Grade Pay):- 1
University Institute of Engineering & Technology
Electronics & Communication Engg-2; Computer Sc. Engg-2; Mechanical Engg.-1; Biotechnology-1.

Assistant Professor ( Rs.12000-420-18300)
Mechanical Engg.-1

Lecturer (Rs. 8000-275-13500):
Electronics & Communication Engg.-5 ( BC-1, ESM-1); Computer Sc. Engg.-6(SC-1, BC-1, ESM-1); Biotechnology-2(BC-1) (Spn: Bio-informatics-1) Mechanical Engg.-6(SC-1); Electrical Engg.-1(SC); Mathematics-2(SC-1); Physics-1.

Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences


Spn:- Pharmacology/Pharmaceutics/Pharmaceutical Chemistry/Pharmacognosy

Assistant Professor ( Rs.12000-420-18300):-7
Spn:- Pharmacology/Pharmaceutics/Pharmaceutical Chemistry/ Pharmacognosy

Lecturers(Rs.8000-275-13500):-6(SC-1, BC-1, ESM-1)
(Spn:- Pharmaceutical Chemistry/ Pharmaceutics/ Pharmacology/ Pharmacognosy/ Quality Assurance /Management/ Administration.

Deptt. of Tourism & Hotel Management
Lecturer (8000-275-13500)
For MHM Course-1(SC).

Institute of Mass Communication & Media Technology
Printing Technology-1.

Institute of Management Studies
Reader/ Associate Professor(Rs.12000-420-18300): 6 (Spn. One each in Finance, Marketing, HRM, Quantitative Technique, E-Commerce+ Computer Applications, Risk Management + Insurance)
General Instructions
1. The revision of pay scales of all the above posts except Chief Security Officer is under consideration of the State Govt.
2. Candidates for the posts of Professor and Reader are required to submit alongwith their list of publications, details of their three major publications (out of which one could be a book for the post of Professor) and also submit 4 sets of these research publications, as mentioned in the proforma. Candidates are also required to submit the copies of title page(s) & content pages of the Journals in which their research publications were published.
3. Appointment of staff under Self-Financing Scheme will be governed by the rules under Self-Financing Scheme for the post applied for.
4. Protection of emoluments, higher start, benefit of leave salary, pension contribution, etc. for those joining on deputation can also be considered for well experienced and deserving candidates.
5. For senior positions, suitable persons can be considered even in absentia and may also be taken on deputation, if requested for. Those already working as Professors, and / or otherwise not able/willing to attend the interview, may be invited for interaction. The University may also invite someone to join as a Professor position if recommended so by peer selection team.
6 For non-teaching posts, age should be between 18-50 years. However, age bar is relaxable for otherwise exceptionally good candidates, particularly for senior positions.
7 Reservation of posts for SC/BC/PH/ Ex-Servicemen will be for Haryana Residents only and as per other conditions of reservation policy of State Govt. /University.
8 Where specialization has been mentioned against any post(s), candidates should submit documentary proof thereof. Reserved posts are without specialization.
9.. The number of posts can be increased or decreased according to requirement. The University reserves the right to short-list the candidates to be called for interview.
* Candidates, who have already applied against the University Advertisement No. 1/2008 for the posts of Reader in Zoology, Reader in Management for K.U.P.G. Regional Centre, Jind and Deputy Librarian, and Advt. No. 1/2009 for the post of Principal, University College, but their interviews could not be held, are required to apply afresh on plain paper in order to update their applications.
Application Form complete in all respect should reach the Deputy Registrar (Estt.), Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra-136 119, latest by 13.07.2009.
Endst. No. ET-6/Advt.4/2009/ 5782-6081 Dated: 19.6.09
Copy of the overleaf is forwarded to the following for information and necessary action:
1. Dean, Academic Affairs, K.U. Kurukshetra.
2. Deans of all the Faculties, K.U. Kurukshetra.
3. Chairpersons of all the University Teaching Departments/Heads of Offices, K.U. Kurukshetra.
4. Registrars of all the Indian Universities.
5. Principals, University College and University College of Education, K.U. Kurukshetra
6. Director, Public Relations, Correspondence Courses, Youth & Cultural Affairs, K.U. Kurukshetra.Librarian, J.L.N. Library, K.U. Kurukshetra.
7. Director, NIT (formerly Regional Engg. College) Kurukshetra.
8. Divisional Employment Officer, University Employment Information and Guidance Bureau, Kurukshetra.
9. District Employment Officer, Kurukshetra.
10. Finance Officer, K.U. Kurukshetra.
11. Admn. Officer (Estt.), K.U. Kurukshetra.
12. Manager, Printing & Publications, K.U. Kurukshetra.
13. O.S.D. to Vice-Chancellor, K.U. Kurukshetra.
14. PS to Vice-Chancellor/Admn. Officer to Registrar (for kind information of the Vice-Chancellor/ Registrar).
15. ET-1, ET-2, ET-3, ET-4, ET-5, ET-7, ET-8 & ET-9 of Estt. Teaching Section, K.U. Kurukshetra.

Deputy Registrar (Estt.)

Candidates must go through the following instructions before filling up the Application Form:
1. Candidates for the post of Professor and Reader are required to submit the details of their three major publications (out of which one could be a book for the post of Professor) in the enclosed proforma (fourteen copies=14) and also submit reprints of 4 sets of their publications.
Three major research publications as are necessarily required for selection to the post of Professor in various Departments should pertain to the period after appointment of a candidate on the post of Reader or equivalent thereto. Likewise, the research publications for the post of Reader should pertain to the period between his/her date of joining as Lecturer and the last date for receipt of Application Form. In case of a lecturer who joins with Ph. D degree, cannot submit his/her Ph. D work for assessment.
They are also required to supply 4 Sets of the copies of the title page(s) and contents page(s) of each Journal in which the publications under reference were published.
The proceedings of the Seminar/ Workshop/Conference/Congress/ Symposium etc. will not be considered as published work and the credit shall not be given to the teacher for the same. Similarly, the edited book or paper published in the edited book will also not be treated as research/ published work.
2. Ten Xerox copies of the Application Form for the post of Lecturer and fourteen Xerox copies for the post of Reader and Professor must be sent alongwith the form. Attested copies of all the certificates/testimonials be attached with original Application Form.
3. Name of the post applied for must be superscribed at the top of the envelope as under:
“Application for the post of _______________________________”.
4. Those who are already in employment should submit their Application Form through proper channel.
5. Application not supported with required application fee, attested copies of certificates/testimonials/reprints of Research Publications, title page(s) and contents page(s) of each Journal in which the publication under reference were published and the applications received after the expiry of last date will be liable to be rejected.
6. Concealment of facts or supply of wrong information will result in cancellation of candidature in addition to legal action.
7. Reservation of posts of SC/BC/PH will be for Haryana residents only and as per other conditions of reservation policy of State Govt. / University.
8. The candidates applying for the posts under ESM category should submit a certificate duly issued by the Zila, Sainik Board to the effect that his/her father has not availed the benefit of re-employment in any Government service, Public Sector Undertakings including Para-Military Forces, in view of State Government instructions.
9. Candidates should send proof of specialization where the post has been advertised with specific specialization. The Reserved posts are without specialization.
10. The posts under the Self-financing Scheme will be in the running grade with all other benefits as are admissible to the regular posts of this University except pension. The persons appointed under Self-Financing Scheme will be governed by CPF rules on completion of two years service.
11. The University reserves the right to short-list candidates for the posts of Lecturer to be called for interview.
(For Sh. Gulzari Lal Nanda Centre of Ethics & Philosophy )
An eminent scholar with published work of high quality, actively engaged in research, with ten years of experience in Post-Graduate teaching, and/or experience in research at the University/National level Institutions, including experience of guiding research at Doctoral level.
An outstanding scholar with established reputation who has made significant contribution to knowledge.
Good Academic record with a doctoral degree or equivalent published work. In addition to these, candidates who join from outside the University system shall also possess at least 55% of the marks or an equivalent grade of B in the 7 point scale with latter grades O, A, B, C, D, E & F at the Master’s degree level.
Five years experience of teaching and/or research excluding the period spent for obtaining the research degrees and has made some marks in the areas of scholarship as evidenced by quality of publications, contribution to educational innovation, design of new courses and curricula.
READER (Tourism & Hotel Management)
MTM/MTA/MHM and/or any allied subject alongwith teaching and research experience in the field of Tourism and/or Hospitality Industry, or atleast 5 years experience in the said industry. Other conditions of Good Academic Record, Ph.D. Degree or equivalent published work and 5 years teaching experience will be as per UGC guidelines.
1. Master’s degree with at least 55% of the marks or equivalent grade B in the 7 point with latest grades O,A,B,C,D,E & F.
2. Ph.D. or equivalent published work.
3. Total experience of 15 years of teaching/research in University/Colleges and other Institution of Higher Education.
(i) A relaxation of 5% may be provided from 55% to 50% of the marks at the Master’s level for the SC/ST/category/Physically handicapped category.
(ii) B in the 7 point scale with latter grade O,A,B,C,D,E & F shall be regarded as equivalent of 55% wherever the grading system is followed.
(iii) The minimum requirement of 55% shall not be insisted upon for Principals for the existing incumbents who are already in the University system. However, these marks should be insisted upon for those entering the system from outside.
University College of Education
(i) Ph.D. in Education. Master’s degree in a school subject with minimum 50% marks and M.Ed./M.A. (Education) with 55% marks and B.Ed.
Ph.D. in Education. M.Ed./M.A. (Education) with minimum 55% marks and B.Ed.

(ii) 10 years regular experience of teaching (through a properly constituted Selection Committee) including five years’ teaching in secondary teacher education institution.

10 years regular experience of teaching in a University Teaching Department of Education.

(i) A candidate for the post of Principal with at least 10 years experience of teaching including 5 years teaching in a secondary teacher education institution, shall be entitled to Reader’s pay scale while a candidate with 15 years experience shall be entitled to Professor’s pay scale.
(ii) The condition of ‘Ph.D. in Education’ for the post of Principal in Colleges of Education shall not be insisted upon for those who had already been approved as Lecturers in Colleges of Education/University Department of Education before 21.07.2006. In their case, the old NCTE qualifications i.e. Ph.D. or equivalent published work shall be applicable.
(iii) A relaxation of 5% may be provided from 55% to 50% of the marks at the Master’s level for the SC/ST category and Physically/Visually/ Handicapped category.
(iv) B in the 7 points scale with latter grade O, A, B, C, D, E & F shall be regarded as equivalent of 55% wherever the grading system is followed.
(v) The minimum requirement of 55% shall not be insisted upon for the existing incumbents who are already in the University system. However, these marks shall be insisted upon for those entering the system from outside.
Jawahar Lal Nehru Library
Deputy Librarian
1. Master’s degree in Library Science/Information Science/Documentation with at least 55% of the marks or its equivalent grade of B in the UGC seven point scale and a consistently good academic record.
2. Five years experience as an Assistant University Librarian/College Librarian.
3. Evidence of innovative library services, published work and professional commitment, computerization of library.
Desirable :-
1. M.Phil/Ph.D. in Library Science/Information Science/ Documentation/ Archives and Manuscript-keeping;
2. Evidence in support of experience in application of Library Automation Networking, and knowledge of software in information processing and retrieval.
Sports Department
Director (Physical Education & Sports)
1. Ph.D. in Physical Education.
2. Experience of at least ten years as University Deputy or fifteen years as University Assistant D.P.E.’s/College D.P.E.’s (Selection Grade).
3. Participation in at least two National/International Seminars/Conferences.
4. Consistently good appraisal reports.
5. Evidence of organizing competitions and conducting coaching camps of at least two weeks duration.
6. Evidence of having produced good performance teams/athletes for competitions like State/ National / Inter University/ Combined University, etc.
Assistant Director Sports(Female)
1. A first/second Class Master’s degree in Physical Education OR first/second class M.A./ M.Sc. with first/second class Diploma in Physical Education.
2. At least 5 years experience of organizing games at the College /Univ. level, relaxable in case of outstanding Candidates possessing high Sports achievements and Educational qualifications. Preference to N.I.S. qualified persons.

Chief Security Officer
A retired permanent regular Commission Army Officer not below the rank of Major from the Infantry or Armoured Corps with a good record of service.
A retired Police Officer not below the rank of Supdt. with a good record of service.
Knowledge of Hindi is desirable.
(New appointee should not be below the rank of Colonel, according to revised grade.)

Ph.D. Degree with first class degree at Bachelor’s or Master’s level in the appropriate branch of Engineering/ Technology with 10 years experience in Teaching/Industry/Research out of which 5 years must be at the level of Assistant Professor and / or equivalent.
Candidates from Industry/Profession with Master’s degree in Engineering/Technology and with professional work which is significant and can be recognized as equivalent to Ph.D degree and with 10 years experience of which at least 5years should be at a Senior Level comparable to that of an Assistant Professor would also be eligible.
(Electronics & Communication Engg. and Computer Science Engg.).
Ph.D. degree with the first class at Bachelor's or Master's level in the appropriate branch of Engineering / Technology with 2 years experience in Teaching / Industry / Research at the level of Lecturer or equivalent.
First Class at Master's level in the appropriate branch of Engineering / Technology with 5 years experience in teaching / Industry / Research at the level of lecturer or equivalent. Such candidates will be required to obtain Ph.D. degree within a period of 7 years from the date of appointment as Assistant Professor. In the case of Universities / Universities departments and those institutes offering PG programmes / Research, Ph.D. is a must. For candidates from Industry / Professional experience in R&D and patents would be desirable requirements failing which the increments will be stopped until Ph.D. is earned.
Candidates from Industry/ Profession with First Class Bachelor's degree in the appropriate branch of Engineering/Technology or First Class Master's Degree in the appropriate branch of Engineering/Technology.
Professional work, which is significant and can be recognized as equivalent to Ph.D.* degree and with 2 years experience at a position equivalent to lecturer level would also be eligible.
First Class Master’s degree in the appropriate branch of Engineering/Technology (No minimum experience required) OR
First Class Bachelor’s degree in the appropriate branch of Engineering/ Technology or equivalent, valid GATE score, minimum 75 percentile; to complete M. Tech /ME within 5 years failing which the increments will be stopped until the postgraduate degree is earned.
First Class Master's Degree in the appropriate branch of Engineering (Engg.) /Technology (Tech.) (No minimum experience required).
First Class Bachelor's degree in the appropriate branch of Engineering / Technology.
Ph D in Applied Biological Sciences such as Microbiology, Biochemistry, Genetics, Molecular Biology, Pharmacy, Biophysics
LECTURER (Physics & Mathematics)
First Class Master’s degree in the appropriate discipline with good academic record.
High second class 55% marks & above, Master’s degree in the appropriate discipline having cleared the NET/SLET for lecturer conducted by the CSIR/UGC or any accredited body.
“Professor in relevant discipline with total experience of 10 (ten) years in the field of Teaching/Industry/Research.
The maximum age for holding the post of Director/Principal shall be 65 years.”
Ph.D. degree (with first class either at Bachelor’s or Master’s level) in appropriate branch of specialization in Pharmacy with 10 years experience in Teaching/Industry/Research out of which 5 years must be at the level of Assistant Professor or equivalent.
Candidates from Industry/Profession with First Class Master’s degree in appropriate branch of specialization in Pharmacy and with 10 years experience of which at least 5 years experience at Senior Level comparable to that of an Assistant Professor would also be eligible.
Ph.D. degree (with first class degree either at Bachelor’s or Master’s level) in the appropriate branch of specialization in Pharmacy with 2 years experience in Teaching/Industry/Research at the level of Lecturer or equivalent.
First Class Degree at Master’s level in the appropriate branch of specialization in Pharmacy with 5 years experience in Teaching/Industry/Research at the level of Lecturer. Such Candidates will be required to obtain Ph.D. degree within a period of 7 years from the date of appointment as Assistant Professor.
Candidates from Industry/Profession with First Class Master’s degree in appropriate branch of specialization in Pharmacy and with 5 years experience would also be eligible.
First Class Master’s degree in appropriate branch of Specialization in Pharmacy (No minimum requirement).
( Master of Tourism Management) MHM with 1st division.


LECTURER ( Printing Technology)

First Class Master’s degree in the appropriate branch of Engineering/Technology (No minimum experience required) OR
First Class Bachelor’s degree in the appropriate branch of Engineering/ Technology or equivalent, valid GATE score, minimum 75 percentile; to complete M. Tech /ME within 5 years failing which the increments will be stopped until the postgraduate degree is earned. However , the University will provide adequate opportunity to the teaching staff to complete this requirement.