Monday, December 1, 2008

Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force

Indo-Tibetan Border Police ForceMinistry of Home Affairs (Government of India)Application are invited from Indian citizens for filling up 7 posts of Assistant Comment in the pay scale of Rs. 8000-13500(pre revised) in the Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force(MHA) Govt. of India.The candidate called for interview shall be paid travelling expenses as admissible under the Ministry of Finance, Govt. of India Decision no. 80 below SR132.Concession/Aliowances:- In addition to above scale of pay, DA,HRA and transport allowance wherever admissible, as per theGovernment orders will be payable. The applicants will also be entitledto the following concessions/allowances:- .i. Free ration in kind when posted to specified Border areas. Jii. Special compensatory allowance (remote locality)allowance at varying rates ranging between Rs.160/- toRs.1000/pm when posted to specified BorderlHill areas.lll. Free supply of fuel at Army scale for heating and washingpurposes at certain heights.IV. Rent-free un-furnished family accommodation at Bn Hqrsand Training Centres. In forward areas, camp type singleaccommodation will be provided free of cost.v. Special duty allowance at l2Y:z% of pay when posted inthe North-East including Sikkim & Leh.VI. Initial uniform grant Rs.6500/- (pre-revised)(in twoinstalments). Renewal uniform grant Rs.3000/- after every07 years and kit maintenance allowance at the rate ofRs.150/-p.m. as per Govt. orders.Elieibilitv conditions:- The candidate applying for the post mustfulfill the following conditions of eligibility:-Age: Between 21 to 30 years. Relaxable in the case ofScheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe/Other Backward Classes candidatesand other special categories of person in accordance with theinstructions or orders issued by the Central Govt from time to time.The crucial date for determining the age limit in each case shall be theclosing date for receipt of applications i.e. 08.01.2009from candidatesin India (other than those in Assam, Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh,Mizoram, Manipur, Nagaland, Tripura, Sikkim, Ladakh Division ofJammu & Kashmir State Lahaul and Spiti district and Pangi subdivisionof Chamba district of Himachal Pradesh, Andadman NicobarIslands and Lakshadweep for which last date or receipt pf applicationsis 15.01.2009).Educational ualification-Degree in Automobile Engineeringor Mechanical Engineering (with Automobile as one of the subjec~from a recognized Institution or University or equivalent.Desirable:- Candidates with practical experience in the trade inany Automobile workshop/Department will be preferred.Other eligibility conditions:-Physical and medical standard:- The candidate should conform tothe following physical standards:-(i) Height: 165 Cms (relexable by 2 Cms in respect ofGorkhas, Garhwalis, Kumaonis, Dogras, Marathas and by3 Cm in respect of Adivasis.Chest: 81 Cms Un-expanded and 86 Cms Expanded.Weight: Proportionate to height and age.Possessing good mental and sound health free from anyphysical defect.Medical Standards:-(a) Eve sieht:-Distant VisionBetter eye(corrected vision6/66/95.(ii)(Hi)eiv)worse eyeNear visionBetter eye worse eye(corrected vision)6/12 J.I. JJI or6/9The total amount of Myopia (including the cylinder)shall not exceed minus 4.00D. Total amount ofhyper metropia (including the, cylinder) shall notexceed plus 4.00 D.The type of correction is permissible only byconventional spectacles and not by contact lenses,IOL or redial keratotomy, laser insituKeratomileusis (LASIK) etc.(b) The candidate must not have knock-knees, flat foot orsquint in eyes and they should possess high-grade color vision.The candidates will be tested for colour vision by Ishiahara's testas well as ,Edrich green's lantern tests. They must be in goodmental and bodily health and free from any physical defectslikely to interferewith the efficient performanceof the duties.Subject to (a) & (b) above, the standard of m~dical fitntJ88fur the candidates would be the same as prescribed by the Govt.for the Indian Police Service.(d) Candidates should be in good physical and mental state forduties in high altitude and to serve in bord~r areas with extremeclimatic conditions. Every candidate on having been selected'fill be produced before a duly constituted Medical ExaminationBoard for examination of his medical fitness. The said MedicalBoard will issue medical examination report of the candidate inthe prescribed form. The Govt. of India reserves to themselvesthe right to reject or accept any candidate after considering reportof the Medical Examination Board.Mode of selection:- The selection process will consist offollowing parts:-Part-I Interview (Personality test)Part-II Detailed Medical Examination.Candidates would be required to appear before the selectionBoard for interview. The interview and detailed medical examinationwill be held at Delhi on a date to be intimatedJater.Application:-Candidates fulfilling the above conditions of eligibility mayapply on white plain paper giving their particulars in the proformaattached with this advertisement. The candidate must send thefollowing documents with application:-i. Certified true copy of the matriculation or equivalentcertificate as proof of date of birth with mark sheets.11. Certified true copy of certificates in support of educationalqualification as stipulated above.111. Certified true copy of the caste certificate in case ofSC/ST/OBCcandidates. .IV. Two identical photographs (recent passport size) 5 Cmsx7Cms apprx. duly attested by a Gazetted Officer, one pastedon the application form and the other attached to theapplication, duly attested on the reverse.v. Two self addressed stamped envelop of 11.5Cms x27.5Cms size.VI. Attested copy of NOC issued by the employer in case thecandidate is a Govt. employee, be attached.Closing date for receipt of application:- The last date of receiptof applications is 08.01.2009 for all states except for Assam,Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Manipur, Nagaland, Tripura,Sikkim, Ladakh Division of J&K State, Ldahaul & Spiti Distt and pangiSub-Division of ,Chamba Distt of Himachal Pradesh, Andaman &NicobaIr Islands and Lakshadweep for which last date is 15.01.2009.Conditions of service:-(i) Candidate shall be required to serve in the Force for aminimum period of 10 years. If any officer after joining the servicewants to resign from the service before the expiry of 10 years, he isrequired to refund a sum equal to three months pay and allowancesreceived by him or the cost of training imparted to him by the Force,whichever is higher.General:- Applications. complete in all respect should reach"The Senior Administrative Officer (Pers-I), Directorate General,ITBPF, MHAlGovt. of India, Block-II, CGO Complex, Lodi Road,New Delhi-ll0003" by the closing date. Cover containing applicationmust be superscribed in block letters as "APPLICATION FOR THEPOST OF ASSISTANT COMMANDANT (TPT) IN ITBP-2008"Application which is not on prescribed proforma or not accompanied bythe required enclosures or incomplete or defective applications, shall besummarily rejected. No representation or correspondence regardingsuch rejection shall be entertained under any circumstances.Selected candidates will have to undergo basic training and suchother courses as prescribed in the Force from time to time.For more details log on to http://itbpolice.nicin. Specimen ofthe application can also be downloaded from our Website.Important instructions:- The candidates shall produce theoriginal certificates at the time of interview. Non-production ofcertific~atesshall be dis-qualification. If anyone who does not fulfillthe minimum physical standards, educational qualification and otherqualifications, chooses to apply, he runs the risk of incurring wastefulexpenditure for which the Govt. of India or the Selection Board acceptno responsibility. Attested copies of testimonials/certificates shouldonly be attached with the application. Candidates already in Govt.service must apply through proper channel.Form of application:- Candidates fulfilling the above eligibilityconditions may apply giving their particulars in the following proforma.Applications received un-signed or incomplete in any respect will berejected. Each application shall be accompanied .by a crossed IndianPostal OrderlBank Draft worth Rs.SO/-payable to the Accounts Officer,Directorate General, ITBP, New Delhi. The candidates belonging toSC/ST Communities need not send prescribed fees alongwith theirapplication form.Find details and application form in

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