Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Employees’ State Insurance Corporation (ESIC)Regional Office - Panchdeep Bhawan,Sarvodaya Nagar, Kanpur (UP)Recruitment of Lower Division Clerks.Applications in the prescribed format are invited for filling up following vacancies ofLower Division Clerks in E.S.I.Corporation, Uttar Pradesh Region in the Pay band ofRs. 5200-20200 + GradePay 1900/- plus other allowance as admissible to CentralGovernment employee.Age Limit: Between 18-27 years as on 30.04.2009.Qualification:- i) Higher Secondary pass (pass in 12th standardor equivalent from a recognized board.)ii) Working knowledge of computer including use ofOffice Suites and database.Fee & Mode of Payment:-A crossed demand Draft/Banker's Cheque issued on or after publication of thisadvertisement for Rs. 150/- ( Rupees one hundred fifty only) should be drawn on State Bankof India, Main Branch, Kanpur in favour of Regional Director, E.S.I. Corporation, Kanpur.Payable at Kanpur.Candidate belonging to SC/ST/PH/Ex-Servicemen category and emplyoees ofE.S.I.Corporation are exempted from payment of examination fee.NOTE:- 1. Fee once paid will not be refunded under any circumstances.2. Fee paid by any other mode will not be accepted.3. Candidates must write his/her name & address on back of the DemandDraft/Banker's cheque.Scheme of Examination:- The examination consisting of two parts will be held atKanpur.Part-I:- The written test will consist of one paper of 200 marks containing 04 parts:(i) English Language (ii) General Intelligence & General Aptitude (iii) Numerical Aptitude and(iv) General Awareness. There will be 50 questions in each part, each question carrying onemark. The questions in all the four parts will be objective type (Multiple choice) ones. Theexamination will be of 03 (Three ) hours' duration.Part-II: The E.S.I.Corporation reserves the right to admit only that much number ofcandidatdes as considered necessary for Skill test of knowledge of computer based on theperformance of candidates in the Part-I written test.The candidate has to secure minimum qualifying marks in each part.How to apply:- The duly filled in application should be sent in a envelopesuperscribed "Application for the post of L.D.C.-2009 by Registered post/Speed Post only atthe following address:-" Regional Director,Regional Office, E.S.I. Corporation,Panchdeep Bhawan, Sarvodaya NagarKanpur-208 005”'"The canidadates applying under OBC category must submit the certificate inthe form to be produced by other backward classes applying for appointmentto the posts under the Government of india. The candidates belonging toonly such castes/communities falling in the central list of the OBC preparedby Ministry of Social justice & Empowerment, Govt. of India are entitled forreservation in the services under the Government of India. The candidateswho shall not be submitting the OBC certificate in the proforma prescribedfor appointment to the posts under the Government of india shall not beconsidered for reservation under OBC category."The following documents should be attached with the application form:-(a) Two copies of recent passport size photogrtaphs duly attested by a Group"A"/Group "B" /Gazetted Officer with one photograph pasted on the applicationform.(b) Attested copies of certificates and testimonials in proof of age/date ofbirth/educational qualification/caste/experience etc.(c) Attested copy of Community/Status certificate in the prescribed form in respect ofcandidates belonging to SC/ST/PH/Ex-servicemen/OBC category issued bycompeternt authority.(d) Two self-addresed envlopes of the size 23cms. x 10 cms.Those candidates who are employed in Govt./Semi-Govt./Autonomous bodies etc.should send their applcation "through proper channel". However, they may send anadvance copy of their application alongwith attested copies of certificates and testimonialsso as to reach this office on or before the due date.Note:- The application and the other documents should be arranged in the following orderone below the other and tightly tagged or stapled on the left hand side top corner:1. Additional photographs.2. Application form.3. Attested copies of certificates.4. Self-addressed envelopes.The last date for receipt of application form is 30.04.2009 Last date is now extnded upto 22/05/2009 with some corrections.( For candidates belonging to Assam, Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Manipur,Nagaland, Tripura, Sikkim, Ladakh Division of Jammu and Kashmir State, Lahaul and SpitiDistrict and Pangi Sub-Division of Chamba District of Himachal Pradesh, Andaman andNicobar Islands or Lakshdweep, the last date of receipt of application form is 15.05.2009.)General Conditions:-1. A candidate should submit one application only. Submission of more than oneapplication may lead to rejection of all the aplications submitted.2. Mere submission of application does not confer any right to be called for writtentest.3. Application should be submitted in the prescribed Form only. They should be filledup in block/Capital Letters in candidate's own handwriting.4. Application should be sent in a cover super-scribed "Application for the post ofLDC-2009 by Registered Post/Speed post only so as to reach this office latest by thestipulated date. No application shall be entertained by hand.5. Incomplete/unsigned applications and applications received without photographs,certified copies of required certificates such as educational qualification,caste/community etc. and those received after the prescribed date for receipt ofapplication will summarily be rejected without any communication to the candidate.6. Candidates shall generally be considered only against the vacancies available in theState.7. No TA/DA will be paid to any candidate for appearing in the written test or in Skilltest.8. Wrong declaratrions/submission of false information or any other action contrary tolaw shall lead to cancellation of the candidature/offer of appointment at any stage.9. Submission of application does not vest in the candidate any right to be called forwritten test/offer of appointment.find details and application form


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