Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Limited (A Joint venture of Govt. of India and Govt. of Delhi)
Recruitment of Jr. Executive/ System Analyst/ Station Controller/ Train Operator/ Jr. Engineer
ADVT NO: DMRC / OM / HR /II / 2009
Applications are invited from young, dynamic and motivated persons of Indian nationality for the following category of Non-Executive & Executive posts in DMRC on Direct Recruitment basis for 688 posts.
Post Code Name of Post Grade (IDA) in Rs (Provisional, likely to be revised) No of vacancies Education Qualification/ Eligibility Age between as on 01.01.2009 Medical Standards as per Indian Rly. Medical Manual. 01 Jr. Executive/ Legal 11000-350-15200 02 (UR-2) Ist class degree in L.L.B. with a minimum of 60% marks from a Govt. recognized university/institute 21 to 28 years i.e. born not earlier than 2.1.1981 and not later than 1.1.1988 Executive/ Non-technical 02 Sr. System Analyst (SSA) 8200-275-12325 09 (UR-5, OBC-1, SC-1,ST-2, Exs-1) on horizontal basis B.E. in Computer Science or MCA or equivalent degree from a Govt. recognized university/institute 20 to 30 years (i.e. born not earlier than 2.1.1979 and not later than 1.1.1989 Bee- Two (B-II) 03 Station Controller/ Train Operator (SC/TO) 6200-225-9575 421 (UR-203, OBC-108, SC-60, ST-50, Exs-58) On horizontal basis Three years Engineering Diploma in Mechanical/ Electrical /Electronics /Electronics & Communication/ equivalent engineering discipline from a Govt. recognized institute with minimum 50% marks in the concerned discipline from a Govt. recognized university/institute. 18 to 28 Years (i.e. born not earlier than 2.1.1981 and not later than 1.1.1991 Aye- One (A-1) 04 Jr. Engineer/ Electrical 6200-225-9575 83 (UR-43, OBC-22, SC-12, ST-06, Exs-12) On horizontal basis Three years Engineering Diploma in Electrical/ equivalent engineering discipline from a Govt. recognized university/ institute Aye-one category, not below Aye-three 05 Jr. Engineer/ Electronics 6200-225-9575 114 (UR-59, OBC-30, SC-17, ST-08, Exs-16) On horizontal basis Three years Engineering Diploma in Electronics/ Electronics & Communication/equivalent engineering discipline from a Govt. recognized university/institute. 06 Jr. Engineer/ Mechanical 6200-225-9575 16 (UR-09, OBC-04, SC-02,ST-01,Exs-02) On horizontal Three years Engineering Diploma in Mechanical / equivalent engineering discipline from a Govt. recognized university/ institute 07 Jr. Engineer/ Civil 6200-225-9575 37 (UR-21, OBC-09, SC-05, ST-02, Exs-05) On horizontal Three years Engineering Diploma in Civil/equivalent engineering discipline from a Govt. recognized university/institute. 08 Office Assistant 5000-175-7625 06 (UR-4, OBC-01,SC-01) B.A./B.Sc./B.Com from a Govt. recognized University/Institute Cee-One (C-1)
Note: There is no reservation for physically handicapped candidates in this selection. In-take for physically handicapped in identified categories, wherever applicable, to the extent admissible, will be processed separately.
The candidates who are in their final year/semester of degree/diploma may also apply
Selection process: - For the post of Jr Executive/Legal (post code-01), the selection methodology will comprise three-stage process – Written Test (two papers) & Group Discussion/Personal Interview followed by Medical examination in Executive/Non Technical category. For the post of Sr. System Analyst, (post code-02) the selection methodology will comprise three-stage process – Written Test (two papers) & Personal Interview followed by Medical Examination in Bee- two category. For the post of Station Controller/Train Operator (post code-03), the selection methodology will comprise four-stage process – Written Test (two papers), Psycho Test & Personal Interview followed by Medical examination in Aye-one category. For the post of Jr. Engineers (Electrical / Electronics/Mechanical/ Civil), (post codes 04,05,06&07) the selection methodology will comprise three-stage process – Written Test (two papers), Personal Interview followed by Medical examination in Aye-one category not below Aye-three. For the post of Office Assistant (post codes 08) the selection methodology will comprise three-stage process – Written Test (two papers) & Personal Interview followed by Medical Examination in Cee- One category.
How to Apply : Eligible and interested candidates apply as per the prescribed application Format by enclosing a Demand Draft for Rs.300/- for General & OBC candidates and for Rs.50/- for SC & ST candidates drawn only on State Bank of India in favour of Delhi Metro Rail corporation Limited, payable at Service Branch, New Delhi (Code No-7687) indicating on the reverse of the DD, their name & address, e-mail, telephone no. if any, latest by 17/07/2009 through ordinary post addressed to DMRC Ltd., Post Bag No- 9, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003. The filled up application should be sent in the envelope super scribing on it prominently – “Post Code, Name of Post”.
The Last Date of Receipt of Application : 17/07/2009
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